August 06, 2006

I think this is waaaay better than a treadmill.

7 Tonnes 2

The movie is sort of slow to load, but be patient and you will be rewarded. I am going to go practice on the bed now. Tod says I can have my own trampoline when I am good enough on the bed springs.


Posted by Zousama at August 06, 2006 12:00 PM

Haha, what a great movie! Thanks for sharing :) I love this site, keep on posting, it keeps me entertained!

Posted by: Nati on August 28, 2006 05:11 AM

I have a general question. Why is there no female elephant in the family?
Zou No Tomodachi

Posted by: Zou No Tomodachi on September 15, 2006 02:51 AM

It is true that all the Zous are boys, but considering their penchant for hats and dress-up clothes we suspect they might be gay. Or maybe metro.

For what it's worth, Tasty, Miss Shrew and Ko-Ushi are girls.

Posted by: Kristen on September 15, 2006 09:35 AM
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